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Rodeo is not just a sport, it's a show. From the colorful costumes to the patriotic music, rodeo is a spectacle that is sure to entertain.  From the opening ceremonies to the rodeo itself, the rodeo is a visual feast for the eyes that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.


With multi-sided scoreboards from First Team, every fan can get a piece of the action, no matter where they are seated in the arena. Our LED displays are designed to provide clear and vibrant video, ensuring that every fan has access to the information they need to stay engaged and excited throughout the event.

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Ford Truck Arena
When it comes to creating an engaging and exciting event experience, having a high-quality, multi-sided scoreboard is essential. With First Team's multi-sided scoreboards, every fan can get a piece of the action, no matter where they are seated in the arena.
The design process starts here.

Texas HQ

Arizona ROC License #340943
Arkansas Commercial License #0429790423
Veteran Owned Business

All First Team LED products are:

  • FCC certified

  • UL certified

  • Gold Wire technology

  • 5 year parts warranty

First Team provides:

  • Turn Key projects from the ground up

  • Bid Bonds

  • Performance Bonds

  • Bonded

  • Insurance to meet project requirements

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